Friends Friendship 101

Friendology: Not A Course, Although That Could Have Been Helpful

Let’s play a short game of Jeopardy! for a moment. The category you’ve selected is Science, and the answer is: According to a recent study, its common themes are: pleasure, reciprocity, commitment, voluntary, and mutual respect Sounds very relationship oriented, doesn’t it? And, since you are reading this under the banner of Project BFF, you […]

Friendship 101 Holidays

Supporting Friends Over the Holidays

Supporting your friends this season is probably – no, definitely – the most important gift you can give them for the holidays. So we’ve come up with four ways to make this season special for your chosen family. 1. Friendsgiving Creating your own holiday traditions with friends is a fun way to include everyone in […]

Friendship 101 Love

Using Love Language to Prioritize Friendships

How do we communicate our appreciation for the friends in our lives? As life gets busy and schedules no longer match up, we don’t always have the opportunity in person to show we care, but we have to find new ways to prioritize these relationships in times of stress. We’ve been thinking a lot recently […]

Friendship 101

If a Friendship Doesn’t Take Off

You know the feeling. You’ve become part of a group of friends who get together regularly, and there are plans in the works for dinner, drinks, a day trip, etc. It sounds good at the time but, as the day approaches, you decide to bail at the last minute. And, it’s not the first time […]

Friendship 101 Making new friends

Turning Conversation Into Friendship

We all know it can be hard to turn words into actions. But, when it comes to making new friendships, it’s necessary to go from conversations, to hanging out, to then becoming better friends with those around you. One concrete way of doing this is to simply ask them to hang out and spend time […]