Anxiety Friends Friendship 101 Making new friends

Friendships when you’re shy

Making friends is about spending time and sharing interests. It doesn’t happen right away for most people. And, by understanding your shyness, and being open to change, it is possible to make new friends.

Anxiety Ending a friendship Friends Hard times

Friends are Breaking Up Over Social Distancing

The measures related to COVID-19 are being debated by individuals and groups alike. There are growing instances of friends with opposing perspectives that lead to disagreement and disappointment in one another, with a potential for long-term impact on their friendships.

Anxiety Friends Friendship 101 Making new friends

Anxiety Alert: Making New Friends Edition

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their life. It’s a primitive emotion, similar to fear, and its job is to help us take care of ourselves. We may feel anxious before a big job interview or a date or a test. It’s a temporary feeling and its role in those instances is to help us prepare. […]