Friends Hard times Long distance friends

TMW You Realize the Value Of A Friendship May Be In The $$$

Our friendship began in school, as many friendships do. We had at least one thing in common at the start, having just left one phase of our lives behind and entering the unknown of the next level of learning. For me and a friend we’ll call Karen, it was as freshmen in high school, a […]

Friendship 101 Work friendships

Workplace Friendships

When it comes to the workplace, seeing the difference between friends and coworkers can be confusing. But through different bonding experiences, we can create real friendships, eight hours at a time. If you’re working closely with someone during your shift, it’s important to create a dialogue that goes further than the usual “How are you?” […]

Music Popular culture Theater

Because I Knew You, Have I Been Changed…

We’re certain you are no stranger to the power of music. Music, in words and melody, can be a reminder of a point in time (either happy or sad) that holds significance in our lives. There may be a particular genre (rock, jazz, rhythm or blues, country, etc.) that speaks to you, but when the […]

Friends Friendship 101

Friendology: Not A Course, Although That Could Have Been Helpful

Let’s play a short game of Jeopardy! for a moment. The category you’ve selected is Science, and the answer is: According to a recent study, its common themes are: pleasure, reciprocity, commitment, voluntary, and mutual respect Sounds very relationship oriented, doesn’t it? And, since you are reading this under the banner of Project BFF, you […]


You Change Your Friends, Your Friends Change You

Your friends can change and influence your life in many different ways, sometimes wonderful, sometimes… maybe not so much. But either way, as we spend time with friends, we begin to adopt their behaviors, turns of phrase, and they adopt ours. So, we’ve compiled a list of ways you influence your friends and how, in […]