Friends Project BFF

Gratefulness for my friends

Friends give us so much, and do many things–like supporting us when we do something a little unexpected.

Friends Holidays

What is your Thanksgiving disaster story? (We know you have one!)

Of the many traditions that exist around Thanksgiving Day in the US, one that only gets better over time is the re-telling (or originating) of dinner disasters. And while they’re not funny at the time (especially if it happens to you) they really become legendary among family and friends. Some of our favorite sitcoms have […]

Friends Holidays

The pandemic that stole the holidays…or will it?

Well, it’s finally here. The 2020 holiday season is gaining momentum, as are the reported increases in the number of coronavirus cases in the US and other countries. And while it’s one thing to admit we’ve been anticipating the disruption to traditional travel plans and celebrations, it’s another to accept that the impact may still […]

Friends Holidays Veterans

Honoring all veterans

Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans—living or dead—but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.

Friends Popular culture

Get out the vote

It’s Election Day 2020, with various options to submit a ballot available to everyone, it’s important to know what needs to be done to ensure a vote is counted. To send this important message Terri, a resident of Weymouth, MA, visited Town Hall in advance of Election Day. Her message is a reminder to voters […]