Friends Making new friends Work friendships

Having BFFs at Work: A Benefit the Recruiting Brochure Probably Didn’t Mention

 Do you have a best friend at work? This question, according to Gallup, is the most controversial question the analytics company has ever asked in 30 years of workplace engagement research. Apparently, it gets a rise out of bosses who don’t believe friendships should have anything to do with a company’s bottom line. The article […]

Friendship 101 Work friendships

Workplace Friendships

When it comes to the workplace, seeing the difference between friends and coworkers can be confusing. But through different bonding experiences, we can create real friendships, eight hours at a time. If you’re working closely with someone during your shift, it’s important to create a dialogue that goes further than the usual “How are you?” […]

Work friendships

Building Work Friendships — One Step at a Time

So many of us have a love-hate relationship with work. It brings us some combination of satisfaction, confidence, status, money. And, at the same time, stress, stress, and more stress — from feeling overworked or underappreciated. That’s just for people who basically like their jobs. (We won’t go down a rabbit hole of recrimination, unfairness, […]