
Friendcations for Women Over 40

Let’s hear it for the Friendcation!  It’s really a thing and it has two definitions: 1.  to take a break from a friend 2.  a trip with friends you want to spend time with Both are interesting aspects of friendship to explore. But, now that it’s warming up here in the northern hemisphere, with thoughts […]

Friends Project BFF

Origin story: Terri

In reflecting on my friendship experiences and history, I picture an IMDB drop-down list of roles and characters, with the earlier roles (meaning the friendships) giving way to more in-depth ones in the present. I made friends in the neighborhood and in grade school (a few that today are Facebook friends, too); and high school […]

Friends Project BFF

Origin Story: Manya

A few years ago, I was on the hunt for information about how to make new friends. Events had conspired in my life to leave me feeling like I didn’t have a buddy to hang out with, no one to call to meet for a quick dinner or movie. In that quest, the seed for Project BFF […]